One in nine workers are in insecure jobs, says TUC

New deal needed so that every job is a good job - Frances OGradyNew deal needed so that every job is a good job - Frances OGrady
New deal needed so that every job is a good job - Frances OGrady
One in nine workers are in insecure jobs such as those on zero hours contracts, low paid self employment or temporary posts, according to research from the TUC.

It found at least 3.8 million workers in the UK are in some form of insecure employment.

As as well as economic hardship and disruption to family life, the organisation said many workers in the so-called gig economy are denied rights such as protection from unfair dismissal.

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Firms are falsely labelling workers as self-employed, outsourcing work to agencies and using zero hours contracts to drive down costs and “dodge” tax and employment responsibilities, it claimed.

“Every worker deserves fair pay, decent rights, and a voice at work, but millions are stuck in jobs with bosses who treat them like disposable labour,” said general secretary Frances O’Grady.

“We need a new deal for working people so that every worker gets respect, and every job is a good job.

“The Government must crack down on shady business models that exploit workers.

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“No more zero-hour contracts, no more bogus self-employment, and no more using agency workers to undercut permanent staff.”

The TUC said it expected tens of thousands of people to join a march and rally in London on Saturday calling for a “new deal” for workers.

A Business Department spokesman said: “We have record employment levels in the UK and through our modern Industrial Strategy we are helping businesses create better, higher-paying jobs all over the country while making sure employment rules and rights keep up to date to reflect new ways of working.

“In the Good Work plan we recently set out proposals to ensure millions of workers will benefit from enhanced rights and protections as the UK becomes one of the first countries to address the challenges of the changing world of work.”

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