Coronavirus: Executive may delay date for reopening of pubs in NI

The Executive will consider the reopening date for pubsThe Executive will consider the reopening date for pubs
The Executive will consider the reopening date for pubs
The Executive will today discuss delaying the reopening date for indoor pubs which sell only alcohol.

The scheduled date for the reopening of ‘wet bars’ is next Monday, but this may now be delayed.

Currently bars are allowed to open if they serve food or if they can serve alcohol outdoors, due to restrictions introduced to protect the public from coronavirus.

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The Irish government this week pushed back its date for the reopening of pubs.

And Ministers are today expected to consider new advice from the Chief Medical Officer that the local date should be pushed back and kept under review.

Colin Neill of Hospitality Ulster said any further delay would be a “fatal blow” for many.

He told the BBC: “I appreciate we are moving on an all-island basis, but our virus rate is lower than in the Republic.

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“If the decision is taken to defer the date, the executive must step up with a financial package.

“Every day is critical to these businesses, they are hanging on by their fingernails and while some already will never reopen, every day this goes on will increase that number.”

Ministers are also set to discuss Robin Swann’s proposal to bring forward the review date for the compulsory wearing of face coverings in shops.

Yesterday, the Department of Health’s figures recorded 10 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total to 6,006.

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It comes as three businesses this week in Newcastle, County Down, reported outbreaks among staff.

One of the businesses Kent Amusements, located on the Central Promenade, announced on social media it was closing until further notice.