Council launches virtual coffee morning for MEA business owners

Council launches virtual coffee morning for MEA business ownersCouncil launches virtual coffee morning for MEA business owners
Council launches virtual coffee morning for MEA business owners | Freelance
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council (MEABC) has launched a new series of virtual coffee mornings, aimed at providing peer-to-peer support for local business owners planning for recovery post-COVID-19.

Hosted by the Council’s Economic Development department and facilitated by Caroline Diamond from Diamond Consulting, the series will kick off with two coffee mornings initially on Thursday, May 7, which has sold out, and Tuesday, May 12, 11am – 12pm.

Alongside providing a safe platform for virtual networking as the lockdown period continues, the coffee morning sessions are intended as an outlet for MEA business owners to talk to like-minded people about the challenges and opportunities they may be facing in their firms in the months ahead.

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Attendance will be limited to just 10 business owners in each coffee morning in a bid to facilitate more meaningful engagement and the opportunity to talk more openly in a small group environment.

Councillor Gregg McKeen, Chair of Borough Growth at MEABC said the virtual coffee morning series is just one of many initiatives launched by Council in recent weeks to support local businesses.

“In these unprecedented times we recognise that local business owners may be feeling isolated, stressed and worried about the future of their business,” he said.

“Amid ongoing discussions around the gradual easing of lockdown conditions in the coming months, firms of all sizes across the borough will be turning their attention now to getting back up and running and business recovery.

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“With hundreds of MEA businesses already benefitting from wide-ranging support from Council as the pandemic continues to evolve, these virtual coffee mornings are targeted specifically at our many owner-managed businesses in the borough.

“We hope that opportunity to share best practice and make new connections with fellow business owners will prove mutually-beneficial for everyone involved in the months to come and in the longer term.”

MEA business owners can register for one of the virtual coffee mornings by visiting: or

For more information on MEABC’s business support initiatives, visit

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