Dissident disorder in Londonderry: PSNI set up dedicated webpage to harvest information from witnesses

Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 18th April 2022 Supporters of Saoradh at the RepublicanEaster parade at the Bogside area of Derry. 
The parade through the city side of Derry city is one of a number taking place across the Province  to mark the 1916 Easter Rising.

Photo by Peter Morrison / Press Eye.Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 18th April 2022 Supporters of Saoradh at the RepublicanEaster parade at the Bogside area of Derry. 
The parade through the city side of Derry city is one of a number taking place across the Province  to mark the 1916 Easter Rising.

Photo by Peter Morrison / Press Eye.
Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 18th April 2022 Supporters of Saoradh at the RepublicanEaster parade at the Bogside area of Derry. The parade through the city side of Derry city is one of a number taking place across the Province to mark the 1916 Easter Rising. Photo by Peter Morrison / Press Eye.
The PSNI has set up a webpage specially to collect information about a recent dissident republican parade and the rioting which was associated with the event.

The Easter Rising parade through the Bogside / Brandywell / Creggan area of Londonderry was linked to Saoradh, and fell on the third anniversary of the death of Lyra McKee in the city.

The PSNI said today that photographs and footage, including footage from mobile phones and dash cams, can be uploaded to the webpage.

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It is part of something called the “Major Incident Public Portal” – a kind of specialist witness appeal website used by forces across the UK.

The specific web address for the Londonderry incident is as follows (type this into your browser):


In a statement launching the webpage, the PSNI said: “Our investigation into offences committed during Monday’s parade will continue over the coming days and weeks as we work to bring offenders to justice.

“We would ask anyone with information which may help our investigation to use the [webpage]. They can also call us on the non-emergency number 101.”

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At time of writing tonight, the latest information about the police response to Monday’s incident is as follows:

Eight men have been arrested so far; seven of these arrests were made under the Terrorism Act.

All those men have been released pending report to the PPS.

A man arrested for public order offences has been charged, and is set to appear in court next month.

Those arrested vary in age from 29 years old to 54 years old.