Northern Ireland Policing Board appoints new chair and vice-chair

L-R: Brendan Mullan, newly elected NI Policing Board vice-chair with Board chief executive Sinead Simpson and newly elected Board chair Mukesh Sharma DLL-R: Brendan Mullan, newly elected NI Policing Board vice-chair with Board chief executive Sinead Simpson and newly elected Board chair Mukesh Sharma DL
L-R: Brendan Mullan, newly elected NI Policing Board vice-chair with Board chief executive Sinead Simpson and newly elected Board chair Mukesh Sharma DL
The new chair of the Northern Ireland Policing Board has said the “proper resourcing” of the PSNI will be a main priority during his two-year tenure.

Mukesh Sharma’s appointment was announced by the board on Thursday.

Brendan Mullan has been appointed vice-chair, also for a two-year term.

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Welcoming his appointment to the role, Mr Sharma said: “I am honoured to have been elected as chair of the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

"I am a firm believer in the importance of the Board’s oversight role for confidence building in policing, and for making sure the best possible policing service is delivered to the community.

"Policing is a challenging job and a job that is essential for the safety of everyone in our community.

"I very much respect the work of officers and staff who deliver the service to the public on our behalf.

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"I am committed, along with colleagues on the Board, to maintain the lobby with the chief constable for proper resourcing of policing so that the progress made in policing is not lost.”

Mr Sharma added: “As chair, I am looking forward to meeting, listening to and engaging with all those who have a contribution to make to the Board’s work and that of policing.

Mr Mullan said: “The Board’s assurance and oversight role is fundamental to the delivery of effective and efficient policing. As vice-chair I am very much looking forward to supporting the chair and the Board in progressing key legislative duties and the wide programme of work.”