Saoradh claims members ‘under attack by crown forces’ as anti-terror squad reveals its security operation uncovered three bombs plus components

Dissident republican grouping Saoradh says its members have come “under attack” in Londonderry by security services.

The organisation made the remarks on one of its webpages ( amid a large-scale policing operation in the city.

It all began at around 11am on Monday, when a number of homes were evacuated following “the discovery of a number of suspicious items in the Fahan Street area”.

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Fahan Street is an odd, disjointed road which runs down from the city walls and deep into the Bogside, crossing over the main road on which Free Derry Corner stands.

Fahan Street runs to the left and right of Free Derry Corner in this pictureFahan Street runs to the left and right of Free Derry Corner in this picture
Fahan Street runs to the left and right of Free Derry Corner in this picture

Police did not say which part of the long road was the focus of the alert.

Over a dozen residents were kept from their homes all day, and the cordoned-off area was widened during Monday evening to take in bits of the city walls themselves.

And when night fell, police in the area were bombarded by missiles in an outbreak of street violence.

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The PSNI said order was re-established at about 11pm, though some police vehicles suffered damage.

The security operation continued throughout today, led by the Terrorism Investigation Unit.

Saoradh meanwhile issued a statement saying: “The Revolutionary Republican Party, Saoradh, has come under further attack this morning as British Crown Force launched a co-ordinated attack on party members and local Republican activists.

“We have received numerous reports of Crown Forces targeting the family homes of Saoradh members across Derry, while other party members are under intense surveillance.

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“Attacks like this will do nothing to thwart Republican activism and will only strengthen our resolve.”

Saoradh hasin the past been described as having links to the so-called New IRA, though it has insisted that “we do not speak on behalf of the Irish Republican Army”.

Then this evening, the PSNI issued the following statement, in the name of Detective Chief Inspector Andrew Hamlin.

It said: “Following a complex operation yesterday and today, we have removed component parts of an explosive device, a timer power unit, and three pipe-bombs which have been declared viable devices.

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“These devices were located in an area of undergrowth in a residential area and have now been safely recovered for examination.

“The manufacture, storage and use of unstable, home-made explosive devices in residential areas indiscriminately puts everyone at risk.

“The fact that these explosive items were left in an area which could have been found by anyone, shows an appalling disregard for the safety of the local community.

“One line of enquiry relates to the manufacture of the timer power unit and its similarity to a device recovered in Dungiven in 2021, which we believe was made by members of the violent dissident republican terrorist group, the New IRA.

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“We are mindful of the disruption and impact that security alerts such as this have on the local community.

“I want to reassure local residents that our actions are focussed on keeping the community safe and protecting them from the threat posed by such violent groups.

“Our chances of identifying those who use violence in a bid to coercively control communities and putting them before the courts are vastly improved by support and information from community.

“I would appeal to anyone with information about this incident or any suspicions they have about violent criminal activity to call us on 101 or alternatively, information can be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous.”

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