IRA bomber will not vote against memorial to his victims

Sean McGlincheySean McGlinchey
Sean McGlinchey
A Sinn Fein councillor and convicted IRA bomber has said he will not vote against a proposed permanent memorial to the six people who were killed by a device he planted in Coleraine.

Six Protestant pensioners died and 33 other people were injured, including some schoolchildren, when Sean McGlinchey planted a bomb in the Co Londonderry town on June 12, 1973.

He was convicted of the attack and spent 18 years in jail.

Now, as the 45th anniversary of the atrocity approaches, the DUP has brought a motion calling for Causeway Coast and Glens Council to organise a memorial event.

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The motion also proposes a consultation into the erection of a permanent memorial to those who lost their lives in the attack.

Speaking to the News Letter, councillor McGlinchey – a former mayor of Limavady – said: “I will be at the meeting and have no intention of voting against this motion.

“I have no problem with it. As a party we will meet and discuss it.”

Councillor McGlinchey, brother of slain INLA leader Dominic McGlinchey, added he regrets the deaths and has apologised on a number of occasions.

“My intention was never to harm innocent people,” he said.

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“I cant change what I did, but I am in politics to try and make sure that sort of thing does not happen again.”

However, he said he did not regret his IRA past, adding: “I am proud of my involvement in the republican movement.”

He asked why the DUP had chosen the 45th anniversary for of the bombing to seek a permanent memorial to the victims.

DUP councillor Alan McLean, who proposed the motion said: “The reason for this motion is because I was approached by relatives of some of the victims.

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“I don’t want to make this an issue an issue about councillor McGlinchey.

“ What he does or doesn’t do is not important to me. This is not about him, it is about remembering the victims of this bombing.”

The proposal will be brought before the next meeting of Causeway Coast and Glens Council on Tuesday, April 24.