More than 90% of Belfast shopworkers oppose longer Sunday trading hours: Usdaw union

Belfast city centre. 
Picture: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker.Belfast city centre. 
Picture: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker.
Belfast city centre. Picture: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker.
The vast majority of shopworkers in Belfast are opposed to longer trading hours on Sunday, trade union Usdaw has said.

Responding to the Belfast City Council ‘Sundays in the City’ consultation, the union said it was “fully committed” to improving the weekend retail experience, including for the benefit of tourists, but said longer opening hours would take a “heavy toll” on shop staff.

The union has now called on the council to “engage in an industrial strategy for the retail sector that involves local and national government, retailers and all key stakeholders working together”.

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In gathering evidence ahead of preparing its consultation submission, Usdaw’s survey of retail workers found that: 92% thought that shops should not open longer on Sundays; more than two-thirds said that they have already come under pressure to work on Sundays, and 61% said the main impact on them and their family from working Sunday was less time with family and friends.

Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis said: “Allowing large stores to open for longer hours on Sundays would have a negative impact on retail workers, their families and our communities.

“Longer Sunday trading would take a heavy toll on staff who would come under even more pressure to work, when they would rather be spending time with family and engaging in community, sports, and leisure activities or attending church.”

Mr Lillis added: “There would also be a detrimental impact on smaller retailers who can already open longer hours on Sundays. These traders rely on the boost in trade they get on Sunday morning. Even supporters of extended Sunday opening hours have not been able to show it will lead to economic benefits or job creation. Opening for longer does not mean people have more money to spend.”