Consider SF's strategy '“ unionism needs to take a long look at its future

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Several years ago I was told by someone I respected for their knowledge and esteemed position, that any Sinn Fein successes over unionists was mainly down to their incorporation of a mixed-skill think-tank who study possible developments decades ahead and develop strategies.

Several years ago I was told by someone I respected for their knowledge and esteemed position, that any Sinn Fein successes over unionists was mainly down to their incorporation of a mixed-skill think-tank who study possible developments decades ahead and develop strategies.

These nameless people are not interested in personal headlines or self-glory but greatly influence republican policy and strategy.

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Sinn Fein politicians we like to challenge do not hold as much individual power as we sometimes think.

There is strong discipline in their party – maybe not the type we would accept.

I daresay I will annoy some unionists with my remarks.

To take a view that disregards an opponent’s apparent successes is self-delusional.

I supported unionism for most of my life and witnessed inter-unionist tribalism that has weakened our national standing.

There is need for a better way to build unionism to make it a popular attraction for more people.

Davy Barbour, ex-Ulster Unionist councillor, Coleraine

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