Editorial: Some of the sympathy for Sir Jeffrey Donaldson among his critics did not last long

Morning ViewMorning View
Morning View
News Letter editorial on Friday January 26 2024:

​For all the major challenges facing unionism, it is well served in one key respect.

The leaders of the three main unionist political parties are men of integrity.

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Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has worked diligently in politics for decades, starting with such distinguished Conservatives and unionists as Enoch Powell and James Molyneaux. He also put on a uniform during the Troubles, putting his life at risk to serve the community in the UDR.

Doug Beattie MC MLA also put on a uniform, defending his country overseas.

Jim Allister KC MLA was a leading barrister, who has sacrificed lucrative legal earnings for the comparatively modest pay of an assembly member, where he has been a crucial unionist voice, pointing out almost endless threats and developments against unionism.

On Wednesday there was a wave of sympathy for Sir Jeffrey after a speech in which he revealed that he had been threatened. It is good that the PSNI are investigating such outrageous conduct. Sir Jeffrey earned admiration for showing such passion, but determined opponents of unionism were not slow to add criticism to their support. Claire Hanna MP on BBC radio yesterday expressed sympathy for him, but said he should have spoken so two years earlier and taken on the “wreckers” in his party.

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This response highlights the flaw in Sir Jeffrey’s address. The DUP has been put under intolerable pressure from a range of scolds – and for years. Pressure has been piled on unionists that was never applied to Sinn Fein for keeping Stormont down for three years until they got their non negotiable demand of an Irish language act.

Sir Jeffrey knows there are reasonable unionists who are horrified at the Irish Sea border, dismayed at the double standards shown against unionists yet who are not “wreckers” and who would not dream of being abusive, even if they might disagree strongly with the DUP.