Letter: Sir Jeffrey has betrayed his mandate over 'surrender deal' with UK government

A letter from Stevan Patterson:
Anti-protocol rallies took place ahead of the May 2022 assembly election. The events attracted speakers such as the TUV's Jim Allister and DUP leader Sir Jeffrey DonaldsonAnti-protocol rallies took place ahead of the May 2022 assembly election. The events attracted speakers such as the TUV's Jim Allister and DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson
Anti-protocol rallies took place ahead of the May 2022 assembly election. The events attracted speakers such as the TUV's Jim Allister and DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

​Sir Jeffrey Donaldson is a modern day Judas who has betrayed the mandate he and the DUP stood under in the last elections.

At an anti-protocol rally in Castlederg on April 21, 2022 I heard from Sir Jeffrey’s own lips that unionists must unite to oppose the protocol, and that the Irish sea border and EU law must go, but it is clear to all under his ‘surrender deal’ with the government, the Irish Sea border remains, with EU law still applying in NI.

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By agreeing to such a poor deal with the continuation of the Irish Sea border, the DUP have now become protocol implementers.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Its cheerleader, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, will be seen as a Judas not for 30 pieces of silver to betray and accept the Union will never be as before the protocol, but I suspect a seat on the red benches.

Stevan Patterson, Castlederg