Northern Ireland is being excessively cautious over Covid and failing to recognise the strides made with vaccines

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Dominic Gallagher:

The chief medical officer’s claim that the easing of lockdown could lead to the worst Covid wave yet is unnecessary fear mongering that fails to acknowledge the strides made with vaccinations.

The north has surpassed 500,000 vaccinations and the first dose has been shown to be effective.

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For example, the Pfizer vaccine is 85% effective between 15 and 28 days after receiving it.

With such developments a Covid wave worse than any before is almost impossible to occur.

To argue otherwise is to move the goalposts after claiming that vaccinations were our way out of this crisis.

It is time we took steps to return to normality after two months of continuous lockdown.

Excessive caution will itself be the cause of harm.

Dominic Gallagher, Glenavy

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A message from the Editor:

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