Our political leaders have not replied to my call for day of prayer in Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
It has saddened me to have been ignored despite repeated communications to both the first and deputy first ministers in recent weeks concerning a request that they call a National Day of Prayer here in Northern Ireland.

A petition with thousands of signatures was sent urgently to them and this has also been ignored.

Many in our land desire our government to acknowledge God in an official manner at this time, feeling it would be significant for them to officially call a day of prayer.

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So far our ministers feel it not only acceptable to ignore the people on this issue but also ignore God at the highest level.

No doubt personally some ministers pray and no doubt the church is fasting and praying in any event and will continue to do so. The point is that an official recognition of God at this time of unprecedented crisis from our government is what many would love to see.

As a land we are choosing either to acknowledge the Lord or ignore him at this time.

Perhaps the ministers would now see fit to respond in writing to the News Letter and at least give the courtesy of an explanation as to why a day of prayer isn’t happening in Northern Ireland as other countries have seen fit to call?

Mark Taggart, Pastor, Castlederg Christian Fellowship

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