Schools can play part to help lower cost of uniforms

News Letter editorialNews Letter editorial
News Letter editorial
News Letter editorial on Wednesday August 10 2022:

For many parents, August is an expensive month, as they equip their children for the new school year. One pressure group claims that the average cost of a post-primary pupil’s uniform is £378.

Understandably, school principals want their students to look smart. A properly worn uniform helps with discipline and encourages hard work, as well as removing peer pressure for children to wear expensive casual clothes.

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Unfortunately, though, demands on parents have crept up in recent years. Many schools now require expensive branded PE kits, for example, where once a plain t-shirt or singlet would have sufficed.

In addition, Covid created nervousness about sharing materials, so parents frequently have to provide colouring pencils, glue-sticks and other materials that used to be kept by schools.

Even for relatively prosperous households the sums of money are significant, but they can create hardship for poorer families.

It’s absolutely right that schools require pupils to wear smart uniforms, that create a good impression in the community and encourage pride in the institution. But there is no particular reason to ask parents to shell out for expensive sportswear brands, when cheaper, generic clothing would do.

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Even when these products are recommended rather than mandatory, it creates an expectation that children will be equipped with dearer options.

The Westminster government passed an act in 2021, requiring schools in England to take on board its guidance on uniform costs. Currently, there is no similar measure in Northern Ireland, though the Education Minister Michelle McIlveen increased the school uniform grant for low income families by 20% this year.

Whether or not we need legislation is a matter for further discussion. Hopefully, though, as the issue gains more publicity, schools will act themselves and reconsider the trend for expensive, branded sports kits and other pricey equipment.