DUP and SDLP react to Sir Robert Buckland's election as chair of influential Westminster NI committee

The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee provides a platform for MPs to scrutinise what's going on in the province.The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee provides a platform for MPs to scrutinise what's going on in the province.
The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee provides a platform for MPs to scrutinise what's going on in the province.
The Tory MP, who is a good friend of previous chair Simon Hoare, has been elected unopposed to chair parliament’s Northern Ireland Affairs Committee.

The role – announced in the Commons this afternoon – will see him oversee scrutiny of Northern Ireland issues at Westminster.

Sir Robert goes straight into the job and will serve until the end of the current Parliament.

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Following his election he said: “As Chair, I will not shy away from the necessary scrutiny required of the Northern Ireland Office, particularly as we see events unfold without a functioning Executive in Stormont.

“Northern Ireland is a valued and vital part of our United Kingdom, with communities and a history for which I have deep respect. I will work tirelessly, together with my fellow Committee Members to provide effective scrutiny and, ultimately, improve the policies affecting the lives of people in Northern Ireland.”

DUP MP Carla Lockhart – who sits on the committee – wished him well, and said she hopes he will continue to hear a range of views. “The Committee encompasses a broad range of perspectives and I trust Sir Robert will ensure that the differing perspectives within the Committee are understood and articulated. Previous chairs have a chequered record in this regard, but it is a vital part of the role he is taking over”, she said.

Commenting on the appointment, SDLP MP Claire Hanna said Sir Robert “has demonstrated a genuine interest in NI through his active and diligent participation in the work of NIAC and I think he has a good understanding of our current challenges and the opportunities available if parties are prepared to go back to Stormont”.

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Earlier this month, the News Letter reported that Sir Robert had secured the backing of Theresa Villiers. The former NI secretary – who has been a critic of the NI Protocol – had been rumoured to stand herself but instead signed Mr Buckland’s nomination papers.

Sir Robert, who is seen by some as in the moderate wing of the Conservative Party, was understood to be the favoured choice of Alliance and SDLP members of the committee. However, only Tory MPs had a vote as that party held the chairmanship.