Political rivals unite in good wishes as DUP MP Gavin Robinson recovers from surgery

DUP's Gavin Robinson. 
Pic Colm Lenaghan/PacemakerDUP's Gavin Robinson. 
Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
DUP's Gavin Robinson. Pic Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker
Political rivals have united in wishing the DUP’s Gavin Robinson a speedy recovery following emergency back surgery.

The East Belfast MP has had “successful spinal surgery”, said his wife Lindsay in a tweet on Sunday evening.

She wrote: “Following an emergency situation this weekend @GRobinsonDUP had successful spinal surgery today. He’s in good spirits!

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“Weeks of recovery now ahead – Reuben has Monopoly plans for it!

“Thanks to all who have held and supported us these difficult months, weeks, days and hours.”

Also a qualified barrister, Mr Robinson was first elected to Belfast City Council in 2010.

He also served as lord mayor of Belfast from June 2012 to June 2013.

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Well-wishers from across the political parties have replied to the tweet.

SDLP leaders Colum Eastwood said: “Good luck, Gavin and take it easy. You’re in good hands.” Whilst another SDLP politician, Conor Houston, added: “Wishing Gavin a speedy and full recovery. Sending my best wishes to you & the family.”

UUP leader Doug Beattie also sent his best wishes to the DUP politician, saying: “Pass on my best wishes to Gavin please Lindsay – hope he has a speedy recovery.”

UUP MLA Robbie Butler said: “Sending you all hugs, prayers and best wishes Mrs R. Give the big man a fist bump from me.”

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Mr Robinson has been the MP for East Belfast since 2015 when he reclaimed the seat for the DUP from Alliance leader Naomi Long.

Mrs Long wrote: “Sorry to hear this. Wishing you every best wish for a full recovery. Take good care of yourselves, Gavin and Lindsay.

“PS. I have a feeling Reuben will take advantage to buy up all the good properties on the board! Watch out! It’ll get competitive. Smiling face with smiling eyes.”

Deputy Alliance leader, Stephen Farry, followed with: “Best wishes @GRobinsonDUP and good luck with recovery. See you back in Parliament soon enough.”

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Sinn Fein’s Deirdre Hargey wrote: “Best wishes to Gavin and hope he recovers well.”

Belfast councillor Si Lee from the Green Party said: “Pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery.”

A number of DUP councillors also wished Mr Robinson well, with Adam Newton writing: “Take care all of you and hope Gavin gets back home soon to the comforts of home and monopoly.”

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