PSNI warn residents to be cautious after spate of burglaries

Residents in part of greater Belfast have been warned about an upsurge in burglaries.

Detectives in Castlereagh have issued a statement reminding people to secure their properties and to check the identities of cold callers after what they said was “a number of burglaries” in the area to the south-east of the city.

They took place on Saturday, and police gave the following details of the crimes.

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It was reported that the female occupant of a house in the Ballylenaghan Park area disturbed an intruder at approximately 7.30pm.

She heard a noise on the stairs while she was upstairs in the house, shouted, and a man – wearing dark clothes and with his face covered – then made off.

It is not believed anything was stolen.

Shortly before 8.30pm, it was reported that two unknown males entered a property in the Martinville Park area (a short distance to the south east of Martinville Park), were disturbed by the male occupant, and made off on foot.

Sometime between 7pm and midnight entry was forced to a second property in the Martinville Park area.

Contact police on 101.