The Singapore Grip saga is set to continue!

Dupigny has a narrow escapeDupigny has a narrow escape
Dupigny has a narrow escape
Sunday: The Singapore Grip; (ITV, 9pm)

The series adapted from JG Farrell’s novel about a family of British rubber merchants in 1941 Singapore proved divisive even before the first episode aired, with some objecting to its potential depiction of colonialism from a distinctly white gaze.

True enough the casting, while impressive (David Morrissey, Luke Treadaway, Jane Horrocks, Colm Meaney, Charles Dance…), is overwhelmingly caucasian, however it’s hard to see the story as anything but an attack on the corruption that was so much a part of colonial rule.

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In tonight’s third part, the Blackett family step up their efforts to get Matthew on their side, having confided in Joan about just how crucial his share in the company will be to their pla/.m n ns.

Matthew, however, remains bedridden, with Vera nursing him through the worst of his delirious fever. But can Vera even be trusted? The major receives some unsettling news from the Chinese Protectorate, who are adamant that she is dangerous…

The character of Vera is certainly one of the more compelling elements of this saga, played with style and depth by Elizabeth Tan (Coronation Street’s Xin Proctor). Tan landed the role following a global casting search. She proved a good choice, and turns in a detailed and precise performance.

“I was told Vera was very well-spoken with a clipped heightened RP [Received Pronunciation] accent”, she says. “I did a self-tape of that which the director Tom Vaughan really liked. Then they gave me two more scenes that were quite sexy and saucy and funny with Matthew.

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“Vera’s hilarious. They really liked what I did so I met with the director Tom [Vaughan] in London and we read some more. I then needed to do a heightened English posh old-fashioned accent with a Chinese accent on top of it. They called it a lilt. A lilt of Chinese so I did tons of work on that.

“I picked out very specific things – a couple of vowels – to make Chinese. I didn’t think it would work but it did. Then it was about doing the acting on top of all that.”

Interestingly, given the criticism, Tan also took the time to praise screenwriter Christopher Hampton’s drawing of non-white characters. “Vera is so well written by Christopher”, she says. “It’s remarkable how well he’s captured that character because she’s Asian. How does he know how a female Asian person of that time would speak? Even the attitudes that Vera has and what Vera might say really capture the Asian-ness of how Asian people speak English. I’m obviously familiar with it because I know older Asian people but it’s very precise”.

Elsewhere in the story, Sylvia’s brother Charlie (Joe Bannister) re-joins his regiment and heads to defend the vital Slim River position against the Japanese forces, while Ehrendorf (Bart Edwards), still reeling from his rejection by Joan (Georgia Blizzard), volunteers to assist in the mission.

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Meanwhile, Singapore’s residents are given a stark awakening to the realities of war by the Japanese bombing the city, but Walter remains obstinate despite the growing danger. Stiff upper lip, and all that…

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