We’re looking back at 20 years of ‘Location’

Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer share their highs and low of 20 years ‘together’Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer share their highs and low of 20 years ‘together’
Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer share their highs and low of 20 years ‘together’
Thursday: Location, Location, Location: 20 Years and Counting; (Channel 4, 8pm)

A lot has changed in the housing market over the past 20 years. There have been boom years, a credit crunch, uncertainty over Brexit and now, some people are wondering what the impact of the pandemic will be.

But through it all, there have been two people on hand to guide would-be homeowners and help them find the right property, and that’s Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer.

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Since Location, Location, Location began back in May, 2000, they’ve been dedicated to finding people the right homes – even if their patience has sometimes been tested by buyers who claim to want a period property and then reject old houses for not being modern enough, or refuse to believe that even Kirstie and Phil can’t find them a mansion on a bedsit budget.

The series’ success gave the presenters a chance to branch out with solo projects – Kirstie has become TV’s queen of crafts, while Phil has even had a go at hosting a gameshow.

But it’s Location, Location, Location, that has remained a constant on our screens.

Kirstie has a theory about why the format has remained so enduring, even as other property shows have fallen by the wayside.

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She once said: “The show is not about prices. It’s about people, their circumstances, relationships, hopes and dreams and desires for their family – so much is wrapped up in the home.”

It seems Phil shares her view that it’s the human drama, rather than the investment potential, that most appeals. Speaking ahead of a previous series, he said: “Our programmes are not about making money, it’s about changing lives, dreams and aspirations. [Moving house] is something everybody does.

“It always involves a bit of stress and a bit of turmoil and indecision, and a bit of jeopardy, so from a TV point of view there’s quite a lot to explore.”

We’ll be reminded of some of those stories as Kirstie and Phil look back on their 20 years on TV.

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They’ll recall how their searches have taken in everything from chocolate-box cottages to ultra-modern pads, and remind themselves of some of the most memorable offers they’ve made.

But they begin, fittingly enough, by focusing on first-time buyers, including the first-ever person to benefit from their wisdom (on TV anyway. The pair did both have a prior background in property).

We’ll also get a chance to see doctors Michelle and Philip, who lived three hours apart and were ready to finally find a house where they could live together.

Meanwhile, Ben and Laura were relocating to Birmingham and hoped to find a project that they could really put their stamp on.

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At least they were both on the same page though. Kirstie and Phil will also recall Sam and Jess, who agreed they wanted a character property. However, while Jess was keen to get renovating, Sam wasn’t, which made the hunt particularly tricky.

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