Belfast International forced into cost-saving closures by ‘devastating’ impact of Covid pandemic

Belfast International AirportBelfast International Airport
Belfast International Airport
Belfast International Airport (BIA) has announced a series of cost-saving closures as the avaiation industry continues to suffer from the “devastating” impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

BIA managing director Graham Keddie said the lack of commercial flight during the month of November means passengers will not be affected.

“Belfast International Airport has had to make some very tough decisions in recent months as the impact of Covid-19 has been devastating for the aviation sector,” he said.

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“When the first lockdown was announced and all commercial flights were grounded, we were committed to keeping the airport open 24/7.

“This was to keep Northern Ireland connected and to ensure that we remained open for all medical emergency flights, all military and PSNI traffic, the Royal Mail and all cargo flights, including the delivery of online purchases.

“This cost us roughly £65k per day.”

Mr Keddie added: “The recent travel restrictions and subsequent announcements from easyJet and Ryanair, among others, to understandably reduce their routes means we need to make more difficult decisions.

“As a result we will be closing the airport for a few hours on certain days throughout November when there are no commercial flights meaning passengers will not be impacted.

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“We did not make this decision lightly and we are in discussions with the NI Executive for support to ensure we that we will be in a position to welcome these flights back as soon as it is possible.”

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