Collapse of Flybe a ‘huge blow for Northern Ireland’ - carrier advises customers ‘not to travel to the airport’

Flybe planesFlybe planes
Flybe planes
The Flybe collapse is a huge blow to Northern Ireland and UK regional connectivity, local politicians have said.

The collapse of the airline now puts around 2,000 jobs at risk, after a bid for fresh financial support failed.

Its website now advises customers to “not travel to the airport” unless they have arranged an alternative flight.

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Andy Allen, Ulster Unionist MLA for East Belfast, said: “The collapse of Flybe into administration is a huge blow for Northern Ireland, Belfast City Airport and the many workers employed by the airline.

“Our thoughts are with the workforce and their families at this extremely difficult time. Now that devolution has been restored, it`s important that local departments work together to do everything possible to support those workers who have lost their jobs.

“The loss of so many vital routes will impact dramatically on our economy. On top of uncertainty over Boris Johnson’s Irish Sea Border we need to send a strong signal to the airline industry of the importance of the UK internal market - now is the time for the Chancellor to scrap Air Passenger Duty.”

John Stewart MLA, Ulster Unionist Economy spokesperson, said: “Regional connectivity throughout the United Kingdom is crucially important and none more so than for Northern Ireland.

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“It`s now up to our national government to step in and preserve as many of these routes as possible, including the precious slots into London airports.

“The Government needs to explain very quickly how it is going to guarantee air connectivity throughout the country.

“It`s awful news for all those employed by Flybe, Belfast City Airport and ancillary services. The consequences will impact in Northern Ireland, across the rest of the United Kingdom and very directly on the Flybe workers and their families.

“My own sister works for the company and while speculation about the imminent collapse of Flybe was being widely reported in the media and online, the workers were left in the dark. They received little communication and that is deeply regrettable.

“They have been left high and dry.”