Decom Engineering invests over £700,000 in R&D to win business in Europe and Malaysia

Nick McNally, Commercial Director, Decom Engineering with Matthew Drumm, BD Manager, Decom Engineering and Sean Conway, Managing Director, Decom EngineeringNick McNally, Commercial Director, Decom Engineering with Matthew Drumm, BD Manager, Decom Engineering and Sean Conway, Managing Director, Decom Engineering
Nick McNally, Commercial Director, Decom Engineering with Matthew Drumm, BD Manager, Decom Engineering and Sean Conway, Managing Director, Decom Engineering
Decom Engineering Ltd based in Cookstown has invested in Research & Development (R&D) to create world first technologies in pipe cutting and coating removal, which have helped it to win new business in Germany, Holland and Malaysia.

Decom Engineering specialises in the provision of saws and pipe coating removal equipment to a wide variety of oil and gas contractors.

By investing over £700,000 in R&D, the company has developed innovative new technologies and products required to replace the historic and traditional pipe cutting and coating removals processes, saving time and reducing waste and CO2 emissions during the decommissioning of old oil and gas plants and pipelines.

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Sean Conway, Founder and Managing Director of Decom Engineering said: “We are now experiencing the considerable benefits of investing in R&D to grow our business. We did our research, spoke with our customers and identified their future needs and utilised Invest NI R&D support and guidance to meet those needs.

“Over the last six years, we’ve invested over £700,000 in two R&D projects which have helped us create world first technologies which are saving our customers in the offshore oil and gas sector time, whilst providing accuracy and safety. Our pipe coating removal system is a game changer as it is the fastest and greenest process on the market globally. Our solution recycles downgraded oil and gas pipes into a useable product instead of scrap steel, hugely increasing the value chain for our partners and decreasing the carbon footprint of the industry.

“These new technologies are setting us apart from our competitors and we are now seeing the fruits of our labour with new contracts in Europe and even Malaysia and Brazil. In fact, our exports are now 100% of our total business output.”

Invest NI has offered £82,700 of R&D support towards two R&D projects and advice on ICT which has helped the company develop in-house design capability.

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Dr Vicky Kell, Invest NI Director of Innovation, Research & Development said: “Investing in R&D boosts sales and increases profitability. Under strategic leadership, Decom Engineering is an excellent example of a company, which has used sustained R&D to stay ahead of market trends, continually innovating to stay ahead of competitors and keep it relevant in the global marketplace. Their achievement of Silver Level Innovator Certification from Innovate NI is testimony to their commitment to innovation.

“Ramping up innovative activities post pandemic is vital for long-term growth. History has shown that companies which invest in R&D, are better positioned to displace competitors. Now is a critical time to engage with Invest NI to see how we can help you invest in R&D to develop new products or services, which can make it much easier to grow your business in export markets.”

In recognition of Decom Engineering’s commitment to innovation, it has been awarded a Silver Level Innovator Certificate from Innovate NI.

Innovate NI is a Department for the Economy programme, helping local businesses innovate successfully. It is delivered by Invest Northern Ireland, local councils and further education colleges. For further information visit

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Invest NI’s R&D support is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme.

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