Loop Film Studios unveils multi-million expansion plans

Loop Studios in BelfastLoop Studios in Belfast
Loop Studios in Belfast
Exciting plans for the expansion of Loop Studios in Belfast have been unveiled by owners the LCC Group.

The ambitious multi-million pound plans propose the extension of the film studios, creating additional floorspace and workshop facilities, as well as a new virtual studio.

The proposals would see the expansion of an existing studio at the site into a new 23,000 sq. ft film studio, and the creation of over 25,000 sq. ft of new workshop space.

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Housed in a former factory and set up in 2013, the independent film studio has been used in a variety of productions to film everything from a science fiction series to a World War II drama.

Some of the high-profile films and television series it has hosted include Game of Thrones and Dracula Untold.

The studio is currently hosting the filming of the Netflix film School For Good and Evil.

Located on Castlereagh Road and Prince Regent Road, Loop Studios is currently undergoing a £4m refurbishment of other studios at the site.

This work is expected to be completed in the summer months.

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Revealing the plans, Stuart Draffin of Portbannis who is acting for the LCC Group said the expansion was ‘a sign that this burgeoning industry is growing steadily’.

He continued: “The news of the expansion of Loop Studios is a significant boost for film and TV production in Northern Ireland and a sign that this burgeoning industry is growing steadily.

“Loop Studios have provided facilities for some of the biggest studio operators and production companies in global film and television and these expansion plans will go some way to improving the facilities on offer at the Castlereagh Road site.

“This application comes as a response to great encouragement and support from Northern Ireland Screen and a thorough conversation between the production companies which have been working at the studios and the owners to ensure that the needs of these production companies can be met into the future.”

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A public consultation is expected to get underway on Monday, May 31 and run for four weeks.

Highlighting the need for effective engagment with the local community, Stuart added: “A public consultation on the plans will commence in the coming weeks and we are looking forward to engaging with residents, elected representatives and other stakeholders.”

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