Profiletree sees surge in growth despite Covid-19...and is recruiting!

The Belfast-based marketing agency has expanded its team by 25%The Belfast-based marketing agency has expanded its team by 25%
The Belfast-based marketing agency has expanded its team by 25%
Online marketing agency ProfileTree celebrates its ongoing success with another recruitment wave underway in spite of Covid-19.

Since lockdown was enforced in March, the Belfast-based company has increased its team by 25%. ProfileTree’s latest recruitment drive will see the creation of another six positions, with the new recruits bringing in knowledge across digital and content marketing, as well as website development and design.

ProfileTree, which was founded in 2010, specialises in helping small to medium-sized businesses grow their presence and generate leads online. Whilst it has been a challenging time for industries across Northern Ireland - ProfileTree has remained unwavered, with the online marketing industry currently thriving. Therefore, not only has ProfileTree’s employee base grown - so has its client base.

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This reflects the spike in interest and investment in digital services as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. In the UK, the use of digital services significantly rose from 83% to 93% during the pandemic. A growth rate which would have taken two to three years to occur in a pre-pandemic scenario.

As a result of ProfileTree’s heightened demand and need for staff, the company is particularly searching for website developers, with a focus on WordPress. This is to account for ProfileTree’s expanding web services, where it currently offers website design, development, hosting and management as well as search engine optimisation.

The main impact Covid-19 has brought upon the business is that 75% of its staff currently work from home. This decision was made by the company after considering staff preferences, as well as prioritising their health, wellbeing, safety and mental health to ensure they feel comfortable working throughout this unusual time.

CEO of ProfileTree, Ciaran Connolly, said: “I am ecstatic to say that ProfileTree has experienced exponential growth this year despite the Coronavirus outbreak and that we are announcing another recruitment surge. However, we would not be where we are today without our dedicated and efficient teams, who continuously provide the best service and create high quality content for our clients.

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“From securing multiple new SME clients through to working with large-scale e-commerce businesses - it really has been a tremendous, busy year for us. Although Covid-19 has thrown hurdles at businesses in Northern Ireland and beyond, I am glad that our team is so willing to see ProfileTree succeed, whether that be in the office, from home or both. I cannot wait to see where the company will be in another six months after welcoming our new recruits.”

For information about ProfileTree and recruitment opportunities, visit

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