US company Payroc to create 75 jobs in NI

Paul Vienneau, Chief Technical Officer of PayrocPaul Vienneau, Chief Technical Officer of Payroc
Paul Vienneau, Chief Technical Officer of Payroc
Economy Minister Diane Dodds has announced that US payment processing company Payroc is investing for the first time in Northern Ireland, creating 75 jobs.

The new team will work from home as part of the company’s software engineering and innovation hub, and new customer services centre.

The Minister said: “I’m delighted to announce 75 jobs for NI. Payroc is an early-stage company that has developed its high-growth international presence very quickly, and is a welcome addition to NI’s thriving Fintech sector. I am delighted we have been able to secure this investment based on the quality of our highly-skilled talent pool, complemented by support from Invest NI

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“The team in NI will support Payroc’s existing operations which service over 46 locations globally. As the team will be working remotely, the 75 jobs will open up opportunities to people in every corner of NI. The roles will be created over the next three years and will contribute over £3.6million in additional annual salaries to the local economy.”

Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Illinois, Payroc offers a complete end-to-end payment processing service for its clients, such as Visa and Mastercard. It also provides software and technology development, which includes the front and back-end processing capabilities that clients require to process payments for their own businesses.

Paul Vienneau, Chief Technical Officer of Payroc explained: “We have experienced significant success globally, particularly in the US and Canada, and our ambition is to continue this rapid growth globally through investment in sales, marketing and specialist technology that will enhance our customers’ experience.

“Our new NI team will add considerable in-house engineering and support resources, and expertise. This will help us to achieve our international growth plans, with a focus on the implementation of new technologies, delivering product improvements and increasing capacity to strengthen our customer support. We looked at various US locations but the calibre of talent made Northern Ireland the perfect fit for us.”

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Invest NI has offered Payroc strategic business advice and £445,000 towards the creation of the 75 jobs. Twenty of the roles are in place.

Kevin Holland, CEO of Invest NI, said: “Securing Payroc’s investment for NI is another resounding endorsement of our Fintech sector, which is at the cutting edge of global technology development. We are increasingly known as the ‘go to’ location for Fintech companies to invest. I am delighted that the quality of local talent is recognised by Payroc, showcasing NI as a strategic, valuable location for business investment.

“We have worked closely with the company, providing specialist advice and guidance to help it set up a successful business in NI. Our support for 75 jobs will offer local talent opportunities to develop their skills and grow their careers in software engineering, data analytics, DevOps and customer engagement. We very much welcome Payroc to NI and look forward to supporting it to build its team and embed itself into the Fintech community.”

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