Domino's CEO offers a slice of advice at event

Dominos CEO David WildDominos CEO David Wild
Dominos CEO David Wild
Domino's Pizza Group CEO David Wild has offered some insight to members of the business community at an event hosted by Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NI Chamber) and Electric Ireland in Belfast.

David Wild ‘topped’ the latest event in the NI Chamber and Electric Ireland ‘Growing Something Brilliant’ leadership series which seeks to inspire business confidence and growth.

The pizza-chain, which has 26 branches in Northern Ireland, recently revealed an online sales boost as its shares rose by 10%.

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“It is a pleasure to address businesses across Northern Ireland today as it is a region where our own experience is extremely positive and where we perform exceptionally well,” said Mr Wild.

“Indeed, our franchisees here outperform all other regions in the UK with regards to service and spend per address.

But while the business might be one of the biggest global brands, he said they were also local business ru by franchisees.

“Through this system we are continually creating local jobs and investing in local communities.

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“We talk to our franchisees every day and so we’re familiar with the challenges and opportunities they, like other SMEs, face.

“We recognise the increasingly congested market and help our franchisees rise to these challenges through our investment in technology.”

The firm has recently introduced voice-activated Amazon Echo ordering in the UK, meaning customers can now have a pizza delivered without lifting a finger and has also introduced GPS tracking.

“This innovation, coupled with the insight that ‘easy is the new loyalty’ is what underpins our customer centric approach and what sets us aside from the competition,” Mr Wild added.

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“If I am to leave today’s attendees with one piece of advice it is that great people are critical to enabling growth; this truly is the secret to Domino’s success. In the recession not so long ago, there was competition for employment. Now there’s competition for employees, or colleagues as we prefer to say. So, we and you need to make sure your business is a great place to work. Take care of your people and they will take care of your customers.”