Hamilton praise for Aerospace firms on supply chain excellence

The province has had a significant presence at the Farnborough Air Show where earlier this week Mr Hamilton attended the launch of Causeway Aero, a new collaboration bringing together local firms BASE, Denroy Plastics, Moyola Precision Engineering, Dontaur Precision Engineering and Hutchinson Aerotech under one brandThe province has had a significant presence at the Farnborough Air Show where earlier this week Mr Hamilton attended the launch of Causeway Aero, a new collaboration bringing together local firms BASE, Denroy Plastics, Moyola Precision Engineering, Dontaur Precision Engineering and Hutchinson Aerotech under one brand
The province has had a significant presence at the Farnborough Air Show where earlier this week Mr Hamilton attended the launch of Causeway Aero, a new collaboration bringing together local firms BASE, Denroy Plastics, Moyola Precision Engineering, Dontaur Precision Engineering and Hutchinson Aerotech under one brand
Economy Minister Simon Hamilton has congratulated a number of local firms in the aerospace sector for achieving supply chain excellence at the Farnborough Airshow.

Rostrevor based Bradfor Ltd, IPC Mouldings in Carrickfergus and RTA Ireland in Kilkeel each received Silver Awards in recognition of their involvement in the SC21 Supply Chain excellence programme.

“SC21 is a UK business excellence programme for aerospace and defence companies run by ADS, the trade organisation for companies operating in the aerospace, defence, security and space sectors,” said Mr Hamilton.

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“It encourages best practice and increased competitiveness among aerospace and defence companies operating in the supply chain.”

The three, he said, were just the latest from the province setting the benchmark in business excellence in a highly skilled and competitive sector.

“Receiving their Silver awards is a well deserved achievement which will help to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities on a national scale.”

Bradfor Ltd and IPC Mouldings both achieved their awards through B/E Aerospace’s supply chain programme.

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The Minister added: “Invest Northern Ireland, B/E Aerospace and Bombardier Belfast all play a key role in supporting local companies participating in this programme and Northern Ireland’s Partnering for Growth Strategy continues to be the focus of those working in the industry.

“Invest Northern Ireland remains committed to ensuring that the local aerospace sector has a supply chain that can grow its capabilities in the high-technology, high-value areas where our industry needs to compete.”

In addition Newcastle based Doran Engineering, Belfast Aircraft Stress Engineers Ltd (Base), Boyce Precision Engineering in Magheralin received SC21 Bronze awards.

Commenting on the news, David Quin, B/E Aerospace (UK) seating products’ supply chain director added: “We are very pleased to see the first companies in our supply cluster receiving SC21 Silver Awards and that Doran has achieved its Bronze Award.

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“I would like to commend the companies on their awards today and for their commitment to improving their competitiveness and developing their capabilities.”

Bangor based Denroy Plastics and JW Kane Precision Engineering in Craigavon also received their Silver award recertification.

Dr Leslie Orr, manager ADS NI, said Northern Ireland enjoyed a very strong aerospace supply base.

“This is indeed great news for Bradfor, IPC Mouldings and RTA Ireland and the other award recipients. SC21 recognition is a valuable accolade that will only strengthen the relationships these businesses have with their customers but adding to the strength of the aerospace sector in the region.”