Search begins for the best WI Victoria sandwich

. Pictured are Michelle Greeves, Victoria Square Centre Manager, Elizabeth Warden, Federation Chairman Women's Institute and Jenny Bristow who have launched a quest to find the best Victoria 'Square' Sandwich baker in Northern Ireland this spring.. Pictured are Michelle Greeves, Victoria Square Centre Manager, Elizabeth Warden, Federation Chairman Women's Institute and Jenny Bristow who have launched a quest to find the best Victoria 'Square' Sandwich baker in Northern Ireland this spring.
. Pictured are Michelle Greeves, Victoria Square Centre Manager, Elizabeth Warden, Federation Chairman Women's Institute and Jenny Bristow who have launched a quest to find the best Victoria 'Square' Sandwich baker in Northern Ireland this spring.
Is your Victoria sponge the envy of your local WI? Well now is the time to put it to the test.

Victoria Square together with the Women’s Institute and cook Jenny Bristow, have launched a quest to find the best Victoria ‘Square’ Sandwich baker in Northern Ireland this spring.

One representative from each of the 21 Area Groups of Women’s Institutes across Northern Ireland are invited to submit their very best four-egg sponge to be judged by Victoria Square Centre Manager, Michelle Greeves, and our very own Mary Berry, Jenny Bristow, at the semi-final on the 28 January at the WI Headquarters. Six finalists from across the province will be selected to compete in the grand final in Victoria Square on Saturday 04 March when they will be tasked to bake their own unique Victoria Sandwich against the clock and in front of a live audience.

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Michelle Greeves, Victoria Square Centre Manager, is thrilled to be hosting an event like this at Victoria Square. “Baking appeals to all ages, especially now since the growth in popularity of baking TV shows, so this will be a lovely fun family event. There are many great home bakers here and I’m sure many of us can recall our favourite treats baked by family or friends at special occasions. The WI members in particular are famously known for their baking and cooking talent so we’re really excited to get together to have some fun with our own bake-off with a Victoria Square twist.”

Finalists will race against the clock in front of a live audience to bake their best ‘Victoria Square Sandwich’ and the showstopper will literally be the icing on the cake when contestants will be challenged to delightfully decorate their sandwich for spring, under the watchful eye of host and judge Jenny Bristow.

The winner will be crowned the coveted title of Victoria Square Star Baker and will take home a bundle of premium baking equipment and treats courtesy of House of Fraser, as well as a place at the ‘Jenny Bristow Cookery School’ experience. The runners-up will receive a £50 Victoria Square gift card.

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