Coronavirus: Pupils can do PE indoors with no cap on numbers says education minister

Education Minister Peter Weir during a visit to Tullygally Primary School in CraigavonEducation Minister Peter Weir during a visit to Tullygally Primary School in Craigavon
Education Minister Peter Weir during a visit to Tullygally Primary School in Craigavon
Stormont Education Minister Peter Weir says he has secured a legal change to allow schools more flexibility to deliver physical education.

Schools across Northern Ireland were instructed on Monday to hold PE classes outside and with no more than 15 pupils.

It came as pupils returned after two weeks off, an extended mid-term break amid heightened coronavirus restrictions.

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On Tuesday evening Mr Weir said his department had obtained an amendment to the coronavirus regulations.

“I have acted as quickly as possible to secure changes to the Health Regulations and I am pleased to say that schools can now legally deliver PE both outdoors and indoors and there is no legal cap on the number of participants,” he said.

“I want to thank the Department of Health and The Executive Office for their assistance in helping to resolve this issue so quickly.”

Mr Weir advised schools to limit PE to non-contact sports.

“The benefits of physical and sporting activities in schools are clear,” he said.

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“However, the department would strongly advise that PE should be limited to non-contact sports, dance and other exercise activities at this time.”

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