‘No evidence of otters’ at site of £45m college

Artists impression of the new Southern Regional College campus in CraigavonArtists impression of the new Southern Regional College campus in Craigavon
Artists impression of the new Southern Regional College campus in Craigavon | User (UGC)
No actual evidence of otters has been found at the site of a planned new £45m college in Co Armagh, the High Court heard on Tuesday.

Fears had been raised that the aquatic mammals with European protected species could be harmed by building the Southern Regional College campus at the south lake in Craigavon.

A grandmother who lives close to the parkland is challenging the decision to grant planning permission for the shoreline project.

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Clare McCann, 65, insists otters use the lake and must be kept safe.

But a barrister for the College disputed contentions that snail shells found nearby indicates the presence of the species.

Stewart Beattie QC said: “These two snail shells are completely intact, and, short of being armed with forks or prongs, it’s normal for an otter to crush whatever it’s eating.”

Rejecting further claims that the creature may have made a slide into the lake, he submitted: “There’s no actual evidence of otters.”

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Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council gave the green light to the new college in January 2019.

Campaigners opposed to the campus being built in the area claim it will reduce green space in a public park, and lead to an annual influx of thousands of students.

Mrs McCann is seeking a judicial review amid concerns about the impact on wildlife and residents.

Her legal team contend that the planning approval was irrational and breached legal requirements.

They also allege that the council failed to assess the impact on protected species, including otters.

The hearing continues.