Broadcaster Claire McCollum becomes an ambassador for Parkinson's UK

Claire McCollum and her late father, SamClaire McCollum and her late father, Sam
Claire McCollum and her late father, Sam
​Northern Irish broadcaster and journalist, Claire McCollum, has been named as an ambassador for the charity Parkinson’s UK.

​Best known for her presenting role on Songs of Praise, Claire’s dad, Sam, lived with Parkinson’s for over 12 years and sadly passed away in March 2021, so it’s a role she’s very passionate about.

Having collaborated with Parkinson’s UK for quite a few years already as a celebrity supporter, Claire’s well versed with their work.

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“We first took part in Parkinson’s UK’s Walk for Parkinson’s in 2018, along with dad. So we have such fond memories of the walk.

Claire McCollum with mum Margaret, sister Kelly and dad Sam supporting the 2018 Parkinsons Walk in Antrim Castle Gardens.Claire McCollum with mum Margaret, sister Kelly and dad Sam supporting the 2018 Parkinsons Walk in Antrim Castle Gardens.
Claire McCollum with mum Margaret, sister Kelly and dad Sam supporting the 2018 Parkinsons Walk in Antrim Castle Gardens.

"For the last two years, mum and I completed it together and they were emotional days.

"But it was so good to do it in dad’s memory and to see the rest of the wonderful walkers there too.

“Supporting Parkinson’s UK is so important to me as they are a charity that is doing so much to help people living with Parkinson’s.”

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Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition. This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time.

Sam, who was originally from Portadown, but lived in Jordanstown, was a chartered surveryor, senior valuer with the Valuation and Lands Agency.

Claire said that before her dad was diagnosed, the family knew there was “something not quite right”.

“He was shuffling his feet a lot and a few people noticed he wasn’t quite himself. But all I knew of Parkinson’s at that stage was the tremor, and that Mohammed Ali and Michael J Fox had the condition.

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“Having lived through dad's journey with Parkinson’s, we learned that everyone experiences the disease differently. We know that the tremor doesn't affect everyone, and dad never had a tremor.”

Claire was in her 30s when her dad was diagnosed.

"While it came as a shock, it was also good to know what dad was going through and therefore take the right steps to get help.

“It was very sad to discover that dad wasn't going to get better and the disease would progress. However things moved slowly at the start so I guess that gave us time to begin to get our heads around it all.

"Mum and dad have always been an incredible, loving team and it came as no surprise that they both tackled every stage together with such grace and bravery.”

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Claire said initially her dad’s fine motor skills, thought processes and coordination were affected and as the disease progressed there were many more changes.

“Towards the later stages dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's dementia and vascular dementia. His mobility deteriorated so much he also needed a wheelchair to get about. Adaptations had to be made to the family home.

“Early on we made some changes so that dad could get about easier, including an outside lift and a 'through-floor' lift inside. This allowed him to stay at home for all of his illness, something we’re very grateful for as a family.

“We’re also so grateful for the wonderful care dad received from the Parkinson’s specialists, his doctors, nurses and staff at his GP practice and the carers who came into the home four times a day.

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"I really feel for those who don’t have the same experience as us, or who just don’t know who to turn to. It can be very overwhelming. It is so important to ask for help and get the right support.”

Claire said her dad never seemed to dwell on his condition too much. “He made the most of the situation and always looked for a silver lining. If anyone asked him how he was, he'd say, "I'm well thank you". I too look for the silver lining and I think the last few years were a reminder of what we can get through.

“However there were also times when dad was very aware just how compromised his situation was and that was very tough on him and for us to watch.

"We are so thankful for the little things, (which clearly are the big things in the end) he loved the company of his family and never lost his wonderful sense of humour or his love of good food.

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"The thing that made him smile most were visits from his grandchildren, our two, Samuel and Rosa and my sister Kelly's girls, Katherine and Josie.

“Dad was just a few weeks shy of his 80th birthday when he died on March 1, 2021. On what would have been his 80th, we had cake and sang Happy Birthday with all our family over Zoom. It might sound strange but it was perfect for us and I have no doubt dad would have been chuffed.”

Claire’s ambassador role will see her promote this year’s Walk For Parkinson’s again, as it returns to Belfast on Sunday, September 24, 2023.

“Taking part in Walk for Parkinson’s moves us closer to the day we find a cure for the condition. I would really encourage people to take part as the support will help power the research breakthroughs that are so urgently needed.

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“Keep an eye out on the charity’s social media if you’re keen to sign up as the walk launches in a few weeks time.”

Claire will presenting Songs of Praise this Sunday, March 19, at 1.15pm on BBC One, for Mothering Sunday, from the Guildhall, Londonderry.

*You can also learn more about Parkinson’s, and the support provided by Parkinson’s UK in Northern Ireland, on their website:

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