Coronation champion: Co Antrim ​​guide dog owner’s crowning achievement

Torie Tennant with her first 'life-changing' guide dog UshiTorie Tennant with her first 'life-changing' guide dog Ushi
Torie Tennant with her first 'life-changing' guide dog Ushi
​A Ballymena woman has reason to celebrate, after being selected as one of only 500 Coronation Champions for her voluntary work with Guide Dogs Northern Ireland.

Torie Tennant, 33, has been blind since birth, and currently is in her second partnership with Labrador-cross-Golden Retriever Vivvy.

For the last four and a half years, Torie has travelled the length and breadth of Northern Ireland training My Sighted Guide volunteers. This training has allowed over 75 people with sight loss to be more mobile and independent, matching those living with vision impairment a sighted volunteer, for two to three hours per week.

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Torie said of the honour: “I still can’t quite believe that I have been nominated for such a fantastic award. I want to thank Guide Dogs for making me feel valued as a volunteer.”

Additionally, Torie has provided sight loss awareness training to various organisations, as well as the general public. She has taught hundreds of employees how to improve accessibility and provide a safe environment for people with sight loss. In January, she trained 40 first-year paramedic students at Magee University.

One student commented: “Even if I’m a paramedic for 20 years, every time I meet someone who has a vision impairment, I will think of you and what you taught me today.”

Torie has inspired individuals to take what they have learnt at sight loss awareness training and treat people with vision impairment fairly, in their communities and further afield. By being open, gracious, and honest about her own lived experience, Torie, has changed people’s perceptions and influenced them to make communities inclusive.

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The Coronation Champions Awards, launched by Royal Voluntary Service is all about celebrating the work of extraordinary volunteers across the UK. Thousands of people aged from 14 to 103 from all over the UK and supporting a range of causes were nominated and from these nominations, 500 volunteers have been hand-picked by a judging panel presided over by the Queen Consort, and crowned Coronation Champions.

A total of 500 volunteers have been selected as Coronation Champions and will receive an official Coronation Champions pin badge, a signed certificate from Their Majesties, and an invite to one of the Coronation Celebrations.

Torie would encourage anyone who has the time to volunteer as a My Sighted Guide, and the charity are currently seeking people right across Northern Ireland; ”I love what I do and the My Sighted Guide service is brilliant for those who aren’t quite ready for a dog and just need that extra help to get out and about again.”

To find out more about volunteering with Guide Dogs Northern Ireland, visit