Coronavirus: 72 new cases diagnosed in NI - but no new deaths

72 new Covid cases have been identified in NI72 new Covid cases have been identified in NI
72 new Covid cases have been identified in NI
Another 72 people have been diagnosed with Covid-19 in Northern Ireland.

A total of 384 have tested positive over the last seven days, the Department of Health said.

No new deaths were recorded.

This now brings the total number of confirmed positive cases of the virus in Northern Ireland to 6,895.

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Nineteen of the 72 new cases recorded in the past 24 hours were in Belfast.

Most of the 72 confirmed coronavirus cases recorded in the past 24 hours by the Department of Health were among people aged between 20-39. Thirty-three of the cases recorded were in that age range.

The fewest cases recorded in the department’s latest update were among those aged between 60-79 and 80 and over.

Meanwhile two police stations in Northern Ireland which closed after officers tested positive for coronavirus are set to reopen.

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Antrim and Newtownabbey police stations will open to the public on Wednesday at 7pm.

“Both stations were closed at the weekend following confirmation that a number of our officers had tested positive for Covid-19,” ACC Alan Todd said.

“In line with public health guidance, we have ensured that appropriate steps were immediately taken to address and manage the issue. The health and welfare of members of the public attending our stations and those of our officers and staff are of paramount importance and we have commenced a phased return to duty for officers based in those stations as it is now assessed that it is safe to do so.

“Once again, I would like to reassure the public, that plans remain in place across the district to provide a service to the community and keep people safe.”