Council launches Alchemy programme is an important source of support

COVID19: Support for BusinessesCOVID19: Support for Businesses
COVID19: Support for Businesses
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Alchemy programme is an important source of support for businesses in the borough.

During the ongoing pandemic, it has been there to help and advise during these most difficult and challenging times for the local economy.

Council officers and consultant mentors on the programme have responded to almost 300 enquiries. Initially the programme focused on telephone consultations, providing guidance to help businesses implement the requirements of lockdown, including furloughing staff and managing finances. Now, the Alchemy programme is launching a Recovery Mentoring package to help businesses plan for recovery in the coming weeks and months.

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Working in partnership with Invest Northern Ireland, the package of support will offer up to three days of free one-to-one recovery mentoring providing support and guidance to help businesses with: Emergency cash flow, liquidity and new supply chains; Guidance and direction to government support, and help in applying, if relevant; Planning for re-starting with new processes, eg social distancing measures; Looking at new products and services; Examining resource requirements and HR needs and contracts and Using technology to do business in new ways, eg online selling

For information or to apply go to

If you are already open for business make sure to register for free on our interactive map. This resource is part of our online community hub so please make sure to add your details so the public is aware of the services that you offer at this time. Sign up now at

We are also pledging to support our businesses who wish to get online through our Digital Causeway Programme. Find out more by going to

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For further information go to and follow the link to Business Support.

This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) Programme.

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