Robin Swann to recommend mandatory face masks in NI shops

Health Minsiter Robin SwannHealth Minsiter Robin Swann
Health Minsiter Robin Swann
Stormont’s Health Minister Robin Swann is to recommend to the Northern Ireland Executive that the wearing of face coverings in shops in the region becomes mandatory.

“I have no wish to pre-empt Executive decisions, but I am firmly of the view that everything possible must be done to encourage the wearing of face coverings in retail stores and other indoor spaces where people are not eating, drinking or exercising,” he said.

“The chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser agree.”

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Mr Swann continued: “It is also the case that making it mandatory would provide clarity and reassurance for members of the public.

“We need to promote every available measure to stop the spread of Covid-19, both now and into the autumn and winter, given the risk of further waves of infection. Wearing face coverings in enclosed spaces will have to become second nature if we are to keep each other safe.”

He added: “I am also very mindful that shielding is due to be paused from July 31. People who have been shielding will need our support as they resume everyday activities. Wearing face coverings in shops and indoor spaces is an important way to show solidarity with them.”