Executive backs Robin Swann’s call to reimburse NHS staff for strike action

Health Minister Robin Swann. 

Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.Health Minister Robin Swann. 

Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
Health Minister Robin Swann. Picture by Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
Health Minister Robin Swann is to reimburse pay deductions taken from health workers for industrial action in late 2019 and early 2020.

Health Minister Robin Swann is to reimburse pay deductions taken from health workers for industrial action in late 2019 and early 2020.

The decision was agreed by the Executive on Tuesday.

Minister Swann said: “I have been clear that this matter needed Executive approval and I am pleased that my proposal was approved yesterday.

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“This is a complex issue, involving legal considerations and the question of whether a precedent could be set for industrial action across many different workforces.

“These are, of course, unprecedented times with our health service workers facing unprecedented pressures.

“I have worked hard to find a way through these complexities. I informed Executive colleagues last week that a way forward was on its way and I am pleased that my recommendation on this matter was agreed by the Executive on Tuesday.”

The First Minister, Arlene Foster said she recognised the hard work of health care staff during the pandemic and that concerns over unintended legal precedents have now been resolved. The decision was also welcomed by

The deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill.

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 UNISON Head of Bargaining and Representation Anne Speed responded that the endorsement of Mr Swann’s recommendation by the Executive is a clear acknowledgement that workers would not have been in this situation but for the collapse of the power sharing government and the Assembly, which she noted lasted three years.

“All UNISON members across health and social care rose as one team to take a stand in defence of their health service and this is a further vindication of their stand,” she said. “They rallied in their thousands for nine weeks from November 25th 2019 to restore pay parity.”

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