‘Growing dissent and anger’ among churchgoers over Covid lockdowns: Rev Norman Hamilton

Former Presbyterian Moderator, Rev Dr Norman Hamilton. Picture: Brian Little/PresseyeFormer Presbyterian Moderator, Rev Dr Norman Hamilton. Picture: Brian Little/Presseye
Former Presbyterian Moderator, Rev Dr Norman Hamilton. Picture: Brian Little/Presseye
Former Presbyterian moderator Rev Norman Hamilton said he senses “growing dissent” in the church community over the ‘circuit breaker’ lockdowns.

“I’ve heard the word ‘scundered’ being used,” he told the BBCNI Radio’s Sunday Sequence programme.

“I’ve heard anger and it does seem to me that if there is to be a future lockdown, say in the spring, that comes without consultation or warning as this one has, there is very likely to be much more vocal public dissent from the church sector, because of the impact – not just in terms of the liturgies and routines, but because of the impact that closing churches has on people’s mental, spiritual health.

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“I think I would want to argue very strongly that the practise of Christian faith, privately and in public, is not an ‘essential service’ in terms of the public services, but is an essential service for the wellbeing, mental, spiritual, physical – an essential service for every day and for all people.”

The NI Executive announced on Thursday that churches will be included in the two-week lockdown commencing on Friday, November 27.

Places of worship will only be allowed to open for small weddings and funerals with a maximum of 25 people in attendance.

Rev Hamilton added: “So the Executive and the legislature need to take on board that the church sector is concerned for the whole of people’s being, and that the economics are not the only factor.

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“It really grates to see licensed sector of our economy being asked to bear so little of the pain, when so many other sectors, including the church sectors, are being asked to take a considerable amount of pain.

“I’m not in any way saying that we are special victims. We do recognise... the intensity of the distress right across businesses and retail.”

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Alistair Bushe
