How I dealt with having a stroke when I was ten weeks pregnant

Lisa Lecky with partner Adam and children Conor and OrlaLisa Lecky with partner Adam and children Conor and Orla
Lisa Lecky with partner Adam and children Conor and Orla
Life changed in a flash for 39-year-old Belfast mum Lisa two years ago.

From eagerly awaiting the birth of her child to wondering if she or the baby would have a normal existence or even survive.

Waking up in her hospital bed Lisa could not move her left leg and left arm. Once her medical condition stabilised, she feared never being able to look after her children.

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Lisa faced an uphill battle over the ensuing months as she underwent stroke rehabilitation, all while coping with the usual pressures and worries of pregnancy. She spent six months in hospital (one month in the Royal Victoria Hospital and five months in Regional Acquired Brain Injury Unit in Musgrave Part Hospital), separated from her usual day to day life with partner Adam and 13 month old son Conor. These were difficult times for her but she persevered with the help and support of family and hospital staff.

In September 2015 Orla was born. Although greatly relieved at the birth of a healthy baby girl it was agonising for Lisa not being able to lift or feed her new-born baby. The young family moved in with Lisa’s parents, who shared the care giving duties allowing her concentrate on intensive rehab. Her focus became on regaining mobility and making a full recovery.

Lisa said: “At what should have been a happy time for my family, I spent time worrying over how I could be an active mum to Orla and Conor. I’ve put so much hard work into my rehabilitation after my stroke so that I could help to feed Orla and do as much as possible for my children. I also wanted build a strong bond with Orla and to rebuild my bond with Conor. I’ve lost the use of my left arm permanently and I have limited mobility in my leg but I feel lucky as I never lost my speech and cognitively I’m ok.

‘‘My family have been incredible – I feel very lucky to have such strong family support. My son Conor even helps me change baby Orla’s nappy which has been a great help.

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“My initial recovery goal post-stroke was to take my daughter Orla for a short walk around the park – which I am now able to do.”

Lisa has now started a phased return to her job as an administrator.

She said: “I never thought I would be able to get back to work. At the moment I’m just building my hours up to see what I’m capable of but I love being able to get back to work and completing another milestone after my stroke.

‘‘The next one is getting back to driving. I would love to not have to rely on anyone to get places or just be able to take my children out for the day without having to plan it in advance.

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‘‘My goals for the future are to be physically strong and fit enough to be able to look after my children on my own for long periods of time and complete and sustain my return to work.“

The Stroke Assocation is calling on everyone to sign up to Make May Purple in 2017. During the month of May, the charity is raising awareness of the impact of stroke, and sharing information and advice on how to help prevent the condition across Northern Ireland. Lisa is one of around 35,000 people affected by stroke in Northern Ireland

“I’m delighted to back the Stroke Association’s Make May Purple campaign. I know the devastating impact that stroke can have. I’m so grateful for all the support I received when stroke struck my family and I want to help the Stroke Association help other people affected by this terrifying condition”.

Carmel Lavery, stroke recovery coordinator, Stroke Association added: “Lisa’s progress has been nothing short of amazing. She pushes herself to the limits and her determination to progress never falters.

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She is an inspiration and the perfect example that there can be so much positivity in life after stroke. Lisa is an inspiration to other stroke survivors and is always sharing her experiences and tips with others, to help them recover too.

‘‘Sadly every year there are more than 4000 strokes in Northern Ireland. By supporting Make May Purple you are can help us to support more people like Lisa and to raise vital funds for innovative research into stroke care and treatment.”

The Stroke Association provides Communication Plus and Stroke Recovery Services across Northern Ireland.

To find out what we provide in your area, contact the Northern Ireland office on 028 9050 8020 or email [email protected]. For more information on Make May Purple visit