Mitch Winehouse: “Addiction is as indiscriminate as cancer.’

Mitch Winehouse next to a statue of his daughter following its unveiling on what would have been the singer's 31st birthday, at the Stables Market, Camden Town, LondonMitch Winehouse next to a statue of his daughter following its unveiling on what would have been the singer's 31st birthday, at the Stables Market, Camden Town, London
Mitch Winehouse next to a statue of his daughter following its unveiling on what would have been the singer's 31st birthday, at the Stables Market, Camden Town, London
Nine years after singer Amy Winehouse’s death, her parents Mitch and Jane talk about her drug addiction battle

“My response to some of Amy’s ‘situations’ was that I would pretend to have a heart attack and go into hospital, thinking that would shock her into going straight.

“At the end of the day though, that stuff doesn’t work. Amy stopped taking drugs when she wanted to stop taking drugs…”

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As one of the most discussed singer-songwriters of her generation, Amy’s lasting legacy is a tale of two halves. Although remembered as one of the greatest talents of the 21st century, during her short life, she became just as famous for her battles with drugs and alcohol, as she was for her iconic voice. In 2011, aged 27, she died of alcohol poisoning.

In the wake of her death, Amy’s family set up the Amy Winehouse Foundation (, a charity that helps to support other young people struggling with addiction.

“We created the foundation literally the day Amy passed away,” recalls Mitch, 69. “I was in America and I said to the family, ‘We can either jump in a hole, or we can do something positive’.”

Among other things to date, the charity has addressed around 300,000 kids in schools as part of its Resilience Programme, and also runs Amy’s Place, a residential recovery house for young women.

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“We provide counselling support, and in some cases, we fund residential rehab,” says Jane, Amy’s step-mother and a co-founder of the charity. “It’s virtually impossible to get funded for residential rehab in this country. It’s an area that’s on the decline as the drug treatment budgets are decreasing, so we’re trying filling the gaps where we can.”

Recently, the foundation partnered with Better Noise films to support the launch of Sno Babies (, which aims to reduce the stigma around substance abuse and increase awareness of the growing need for access to recovery support services. The film, released in September, tells the story of a pair of grade-A school students, who spiral down a path of destruction when they begin using heroin.

“I really struggled to watch it,” says Jane. “It touches on all those universal themes that young people struggle with today, like peer pressure.”

“And that parents struggle with too,” interjects Mitch, “because the parents in the film are apathetic and they don’t think it’s going to happen to them, which is exactly how it was for my family. We jumped on it when we could but we always thought that it would just go away of it’s own accord.

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“We didn’t know the signs to look for. Now, having gone through that experience, we can speak to parents in schools to educate them, but it’s not always easy,” he adds.

“We went into one school a couple of years ago in Hampstead [London] that had about 2000 children attending. It could have been a sell-out parents evening, but only 20 parents turned up [to hear us talk].

“In a nice affluent area like Hampstead, people think it’s not going to happen to them. And guess what? It happened to us, in a really nice affluent area.

“Drug addiction is as indiscriminate as cancer. There are so many reasons, especially with young women, that they fall into this trap, and it’s made even worse by the fact they can’t speak to their parents.

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“I wasn’t able to have those conversations with Amy, although I did try. I was a typical parent. If we can just get parents and kids to be able to communicate with each other, that’s the first step.”

Now, with almost a decade’s experience of speaking to parents about addiction and learning about strategies for helping young people, Mitch says there are a few things he’d go back and tell his younger self. “One of the things we say to parents is that unless you’ve abused your child, the responsibility lies with your child. Nobody is forcing them, so you have to rid yourself of this guilt that it’s somehow your fault,” he says.

“We never empowered Amy though. Some parents say, ‘If you’re going to smoke pot, smoke it in the house’, which is empowering them to take drugs. Parents have got to think about this kind of behaviour very carefully.”

Jane believes the foundation’s work is becoming more important in the wake of the pandemic and its impact on young people’s mental health. “It’s certainly put a lot of people that are already at risk at a higher risk,” she says. “We’re anticipating a lot of family breakdowns and there’s a lot of isolation too. Even students going off to university for the first time aren’t having the same student life.

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“Year on year, we’re seeing budgets cut for a problem that is actually mounting,” she adds. “There are some fantastic people in the country providing recovery services, but before us, there wasn’t anyone providing a facility specifically for women.

“We were coming across women that were in treatment and were desperately frightened of where they were going to go afterwards. If people don’t have safe housing to go onto, like Amy’s Place, they don’t stand a chance [of recovering]. It’s vital we give people the opportunity to be supported and to learn to live without substances.

“Plus, when someone starts using again, that’s when they’re at their most vulnerable, because their resistance has dropped and they might not be aware that they can’t take what they were taking before.”

Next year will mark the 10th anniversary of Amy’s passing, and the same milestone for the Amy Winehouse Foundation. And while the circumstances behind it were tragic, Mitch is proud of the work it’s doing.

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“The foundation, Jane and Janis [Amy’s mum] are rightly lauded for the work that we do in the community. We just haven’t got any time for anything else. We will continue to help young people who need us the most.”

The coronavirus pandemic could push some recreational drug users into more serious and potentially harmful substance use, while use of “party drugs” declines, a leading addiction expert told The Guardian

For some casual users of cannabis or cocaine, the lockdown will probably prove to be a mental health crisis point that leads them to take drugs more frequently, said Prof Adam Winstock, the founder and director of the Global Drug Survey.

Some drug users, whose habits already verge on being problematic, could also switch to using different and possibly harder drugs, increasing the risk of dependency, overdose and other harms, he said before the launch of the 2020 survey.

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Meanwhile the Society for the Study of Addiction says the pandemic is likely to have substantially affected our use of legal and illegal substances.

For one example, in jurisdictions where recreational cannabis is legal, increased sales have been reported.

A survey by Crew, a Scottish drug treatment and education charity, found that 58 per cent of their 300 respondents reported taking drugs more often.

Relatedly, lockdown measures appear to have resulted in a switch towards online drug purchasing. In the Crew study, 18% of respondents reported using online methods more often than before to obtain drugs. Additionally, according to a report, there has been an overall increase in activity on three popular darknet drug markets since the beginning of 2020.

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Amy Winehouse battled a difficult and stubborn addiction to a variety of substances and it would be a seismic legacy if others could learn to stop abusing drugs because her voice was forever silenced too soon. One of the standout songstresses of the 21st century could be a standout reason for addicts to stop. Visit

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