NHS physiotherapists in Northern Ireland to strike for first time over pay 'that is lowest in UK'

NHS physiotherapists on the picket line outside University College Hospital London during strike action in January this yearNHS physiotherapists on the picket line outside University College Hospital London during strike action in January this year
NHS physiotherapists on the picket line outside University College Hospital London during strike action in January this year
​Physiotherapy staff working for the health service in Northern Ireland are preparing to take part in strike action.

It will be the first time members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) will take part in a strike over pay in the province.

Staff at the health and social care trusts, the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority will take part in the action from 8.30-12.30am on Thursday.

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It comes as scores of health service staff in Northern Ireland have taken part in industrial action over pay and conditions.

The CSP said health and social care staff in Northern Ireland are the lowest paid across the UK.

“They are yet to be offered a pay uplift for 2023/24 and have received no additional pay award for 2022/23,” the CSP said.

Some 88% of members voted for strike action in a ballot which ran from August 7 to September 11, on a turnout of 55%.

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Claire Ronald, CSP senior negotiating officer for Northern Ireland, said staff do not want to strike but feel they have been left with no other option.

“A lack of a fair pay deal means our members in Northern Ireland are struggling to stay in work and provide care for patients,” she said.

“Having received no increased pay deal for 2022/23 nor a pay uplift for 2023/24, physio staff and other NHS workers continue to be the worst-paid in the UK.

“This situation is further entrenched by inflation and a cost-of-living crisis which means many of our members simply can't afford to stay in their roles.”

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The Stormont Assembly remains effectively collapsed amid protest action by the DUP over post-Brexit trading arrangements, and there is no health minister in post.

The CSP has urged politicians to resolve their differences and reform the assembly, saying: “This current situation cannot go on, our members need a negotiated settlement now."

Stephanie Heasley, regional CSP representative, Northern Ireland, added: “As a profession, we need to let the government know that years of real-term pay cuts are not acceptable. The current cost of inflation, increase in utility bills, food bills and increasing energy costs with no change in pay is causing irreversible damage.”

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