NI Covid cases remain stubbornly high and a ‘big ask’ of NI public now required

Health Minister Robin SwannHealth Minister Robin Swann
Health Minister Robin Swann
More than 5,300 people in Northern Ireland have been vaccinated against Covid-19, Health Minister Robin Swann has revealed.

Speaking during a media briefing on Wednesday, Mr Swann said the coronavirus vaccines have been given residents and staff at 90 care homes to date.

However, Mr Swann said the threat of Covid will still hang over Christmas “and cast a shadow well into January”.

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He also said that the number of infection cases has remained “stubbornly high” and that “robust interventions” from the NI Executive are now required.

There are currently 33 Covid patients in the intensive care units of Northern Ireland’s hospital.

“We are not where we want to be,” he said.

“In regards to compliance [with the regulations] there will be a big ask again for the people of Northern Ireland to do what we are asking them to do, what we need them to do, to do what our health service needs them to do.”