Public health being hurt by our prolonged closures, say NI gym owners

Vicky Neill, who runs Exhale PT in Belfast, said the closure of gyms is leading to ‘long-term problems for the NHS’Vicky Neill, who runs Exhale PT in Belfast, said the closure of gyms is leading to ‘long-term problems for the NHS’
Vicky Neill, who runs Exhale PT in Belfast, said the closure of gyms is leading to ‘long-term problems for the NHS’
Gym owners and fitness trainers are urging the Northern Ireland Executive to make the reopening of gyms a “priority” on public health grounds.

The strict lockdown restrictions in place since December 26 are due to expire on March 6 but the Executive is expected to review the rules when it meets on Thursday.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride, who will give evidence to the Health Minister Robin Swann which will then be brought to the Executive, last week urged “caution” when it comes to the lifting of restrictions.

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But a number of gym owners have decided to speak out about the negative health impacts of prolonged closures.

An online campaign group with thousands of members has quickly emerged on social media.

One of those to launch the campaign, strength and conditioning coach Emma Brennan who runs the Alpha Training NI facility in Carryduff, spoke to the News Letter about the negative consequences of keeping gyms closed.

While her facility has been allowed to remain open for elite athletes, including the up-and-coming lightweight boxer Paul Hyland Jnr, she said “ordinary people” also need access to training facilities – particularly in the winter months.

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“It’s amazing that the government are still supporting us to train elite athletes but ordinary people need to be looking after their fitness and their health as well,” she told the News Letter.

“They are the ones that need support in my opinion.”

She continued: “I had a guy who contacted me today – he’s been diagnosed with cancer and he’s put on two stone. He doesn’t know what to do. I wish I could take him in tomorrow but I can’t.

“We have people that were part of our weight loss group who were coming along very well, but their weight has spiralled over the past two months.

“It hasn’t been like lockdown number one where it was nice and warm, where people could go outdoors and exercise. It’s cold, it’s dark, and it’s icy.

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“There are mental health grounds as well. People with physical and mental health difficulties are being prevented from accessing services.”

She added: “We know the restrictions are being reviewed on the 18th and we want to see gyms being allowed to reopen. This is a public health issue. Gyms should be prioritised.”

Vicky Neill, who runs Exhale PT in Belfast, said: “Lockdown has not been good for people. We know the benefits of exercise.

“What this is doing is storing up long-term problems for the NHS.”