Robin Swann self-isolating after Covid contact warning

NI Health Minister Robin Swann. Photo: Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.NI Health Minister Robin Swann. Photo: Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
NI Health Minister Robin Swann. Photo: Kelvin Boyes / Press Eye.
Health Minister Robin Swann has announced he will be self-isolating and working from home after receiving a Covid exposure notification.

In a message on Twitter on Wednesday, Mr Swann said: “We are all in this together.

“Earlier this evening I received a close proximity notification via our StopCOVID NI App, so I will be working from self isolation for the next 14 days.”

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The minister added: “Download #StopCovidNI help break the infection chain.”

In a statement, the Department of Health said: “Mr Swann will be fulfilling his ministerial responsibilities from home for the required period.

“The minister has no symptoms and will only require a test if he develops one of the symptoms of the virus.”

The DoH statement went on to say: “An exposure notification from the app means the user has been close to another user who has tested positive.

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“Self-isolation is required for 14 days when a notification is required.

“The App assists in stopping the spread of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland, by contacting people who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.”