Blast from the past: Kitsch royal memorabilia

King Charles III and coronation merchandise on display in a shop window near to Windsor Castle.King Charles III and coronation merchandise on display in a shop window near to Windsor Castle.
King Charles III and coronation merchandise on display in a shop window near to Windsor Castle.
The memorabilia industry has cranked into action for the King’s coronation – but not all products are destined to become heirlooms, just as some of those created for past royal occasions would be better consigned to dustbin.

The late ​Queen’s platinum jubilee saw a surge in truly awful items – like a pink-cheeked Queen gnome, a light-up keychain that plays Rule, Britannia.

There were jubliee duvet covers

A union jack morphsuit is one way to stand out in the crowd at the platinum jubilee pageant or your local fete. The sizing goes up to XXL and the blurb promises you can breathe, see and drink through the spandex. Amazon, £33.96

Jubilee duvet cover

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Another one for the diehards, this duvet cover is, of course, available in queen-size and features the monarch’s famous profile image in a design that celebrates her 70 years on the throne. Redbubble, from £82 for a single

Boots meal deal

Boots platinum jubilee meal deal

What Boots’ jubilee meal deal offers. Photograph: Boots

Have a street party al-desko with Boots’ platinum jubilee limited edition meal deal. The mains include a chicken tikka sandwich and vegan coronation veggies wrap, washed down with a soft drink and a slice of Victoria sponge for afters. Boots, from £3.59

The free press is under attack from multiple forces. Media outlets are closing their doors, victims to a broken business model. In much of the world, journalism is morphing into propaganda, as governments dictate what can and can’t be printed. In the last year alone, hundreds of reporters have been killed or imprisoned for doing their jobs. The UN reports that 85% of the world’s population experienced a decline in press freedom in their country in recent years.

This week marks the 30th annual World Press Freedom Day, a day for everyone to reflect on the importance of free expression as fundamental for all other rights. It is also an opportunity to pledge support for independent media – because without a robust and free press, a healthy democracy is impossible.

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