Energy company celebratesrenewables score success

Click Energy is celebrating its success in renewables.Click Energy is celebrating its success in renewables.
Click Energy is celebrating its success in renewables.
North West energy company Click Energy is “on track to go 100 per cent green”, according to managing director Damian Wilson.

According to new figures published by the Utility Regulator, Click Energy’s current attainment level is at almost 83%.

The figures have been published by the Utility Regulator after the Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) calculated the fuel mix information for companies across Ireland in 2018.

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The report includes the fuel mix and CO2 emissions factors for suppliers licensed in Northern Ireland and operating in the Single Electricity Market (SEM).

Damian Wilson, Managing Director of Click Energy, said he was proud of its renewables’ score and the company is currently “on track to go 100% green” thanks to its environmentally-aware customers.

He said: “Click Energy has emerged as the domestic market leader in Northern Ireland with its high score in SEMO’s calculations which reinforces our mission to buy all our energy from generation sources like wind, solar, anaerobic digestion, biomass and hydro.

“By buying more and more directly from renewable sources, we’re helping to make a difference to protecting the planet while still offering good value for consumers who switch to our green energy tariff.

“We give an undertaking to match all or some of the electricity used with renewable energy, which then feeds back into the National Grid.”