As evangelical Protestants, we have been campaigning for No in Republic's 8th referendum

Campaigners hold Vote No placards in the Republic's campaign on the Eighth Amendment, which will be held on May 25.
Photo: Brian Lawless/PA WireCampaigners hold Vote No placards in the Republic's campaign on the Eighth Amendment, which will be held on May 25.
Photo: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
Campaigners hold Vote No placards in the Republic's campaign on the Eighth Amendment, which will be held on May 25. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
It was most encouraging to read the article from Dawn McEvoy ('˜A Yes vote in Irish referendum will mean abortion on demand, learning nothing from the lessons of GB,' April 26) stating that abortion on demand via a Yes vote in the Irish referendum means that no lessons have been learned from the UK.

I write as one who has been lobbying in Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal in recent weeks and covering many homes with our tract ‘Five Reasons Why we MUST retain The Eighth Amendment’ (and penned by Pastor Mark Fitzpatrick of Dublin.)

We come from an evangelical, biblical and indeed Protestant perspective on this believing assuredly that God is the giver of life from conception.

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Going around doors we have received a good reception from most, possibly more so as we declared that we were Protestants who seek to honour God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Letters to Editor

We have contacted many ministers in Counties Cavan, Monaghan, Louth and Donegal giving them supplies of our tract to their own use.

It has been good news to know that both Fianna Fail TDs representing the Cavan/Monaghan constituency are willing to uphold the Eighth Amendment by supporting a pro-life position.

It is sad and deplorable that Sinn Fein and Fine Gael as political parties are seeking to promote and encourage a Yes vote.

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We have challenged the minister in government, Heather Humphries TD, on this.

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Letters to Editor

She is a Presbyterian and attends a local church in Co Monaghan regularly yet appears happy to support the repeal of the Eighth Amendment by toeing the party line in the Dail.

We ask people to consider the precious inspired Word of the living God on this matter.

Martin Luther boldly declared ‘My conscience is captive to the Word of God’.

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The law of God in The Ten Commandments given to Moses is clear and unambiguous. Babies in the womb are created in the image of God, just like you. Being God’s image bearer abortion is evil and sinful.

Murder of a child in the womb is a violation of God’s clear command ‘Thou shalt not kill’.

This is no trivial matter — a Yes vote will bring God’s judgment upon this land of saints and scholars. The child in the womb has no voice.

We are encouraged in Proverbs 31 v 8 in the following inspired words ‘Open thy mouth for those without a voice in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction’

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It is our hope and prayer that the Republic of Ireland will vote resoundingly to retain the Eighth Amendment to the Irish constitution.

Raymond Stewart, Secretary, Reformation Ireland, Newtownabbey

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