Bravery award for heroic river rescue

Pictured from left to right, Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay, Ms Amy Chung, Dr David R Allen, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Environmental Health Officer and Chief Constable George Hamilton.Pictured from left to right, Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay, Ms Amy Chung, Dr David R Allen, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Environmental Health Officer and Chief Constable George Hamilton.
Pictured from left to right, Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay, Ms Amy Chung, Dr David R Allen, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Environmental Health Officer and Chief Constable George Hamilton.
A life-saving council worker who rescued a drowning man from the River Bann has been honoured for his exceptional bravery.

Dr David Allen, an environmental health officer with the Causeway Coast and Glens council, was on night duty with the PSNI’s neighbourhood unit when the drama unfolded last September.

While en route to their usual patrol area in Portstewart, an emergency call was received about a distressed man on the Old Bridge in Coleraine. The man entered the water but was eventually brought to safety thanks to the frantic efforts of Dr Allen and the police officers, who followed him in to the river.

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In recognition of his actions on the night, Dr Allen recently received a bravery award from the PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton and has been nominated for an award from The Royal Humane Society, a charity which promotes lifesaving intervention.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Brenda Chivers said: “Our Environmental Health Officers have established a successful partnership with the PSNI which usually addresses anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance. On this occasion, their quick thinking, persistence and selfless actions have no doubt saved a life. By entering the water, Dr Allen and the Police Officers put themselves at great risk in order to bring this man back to safety.”

She added: “On behalf of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council I would like to offer my sincere thanks to everyone who helped in this frightening and perilous situation.”