Business leader calls for PSNI task force to stop ATM digger thefts

Workers pick through the rubble of the ATM removed from a Spar store on the Glenavy Road in MoiraWorkers pick through the rubble of the ATM removed from a Spar store on the Glenavy Road in Moira
Workers pick through the rubble of the ATM removed from a Spar store on the Glenavy Road in Moira
After a spate of ATM thefts in the Province using diggers, a leading Northern Ireland businessman has called for an urgent meeting with the PSNI.

Chief executive of Retail NI Glyn Roberts has called for the establishment of a task force following the latest ATM theft from a Spar store on the Glenavy Road near Moira in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police said a number of men were involved in the theft which used a digger to remove the ATM.

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The digger was later set on fire causing extensive damage to the vehicle and a garage.

The digger used in the Moira theft was set alight and also caused damage to the garageThe digger used in the Moira theft was set alight and also caused damage to the garage
The digger used in the Moira theft was set alight and also caused damage to the garage

Police are investigating a possible link between this incident and the theft of two ATMs from an Asda store on the Ballymena Road, Antrim on Friday.

Mr Roberts said: “With three ATM robberies in a matter of days, these attacks are now a major problem for local retailers.

“Retail NI will be seeking a an urgent meeting with PSNI senior officers to press for a taskforce to be established to tackle these criminal gangs.

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“With so many bank branch closures in rural towns and villages in recent years, our members’ ATMs provide an invaluable service to their local communities.”

Mr Roberts warned: “There is a real danger our members could start to remove these ATMs if these attacks continue.

“What we want from the police is some form of group, task force, call it what you like, that is working with the retail industry to ensure there is a co-ordinated approach to taking out these gangs. It is a very serious issue facing the rural community.

“Tens of thousands of pounds of damage is being done to local retailers as a result of these thefts.

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“Certainly these type of ATM robberies are nothing new, but they do seem to be on the rise.

“I know that some providers had been putting a dye in their ATMs which stained the money if someone tried to extract it forcibly. I’ll know more about the technologies in due course and what can be done to deter thieves.

“Our members will be taking everything they can on board.”

Mr Roberts said that until the suspension of Stormont, rates relief was given to independent retailers in rural areas with external ATMs.

He added: “Given what is happening I can see why businesses would not want an external ATM. Their rates relief is already suspended then you have the damage to premises, disruption to trade, and higher insurance premiums when a crime like this occurs at their premises.

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“We could see a dramatic reduction in ATMs in rural areas unless we address the robberies and the issue of rate relief.

“With a lot of the bank branches that have closed in rural towns it means that a lot of people are going to have trouble finding ATMs in their area. Particularly older people will be cut off. It throws up some very stark and serious questions.”

In terms of the ATM theft which took place near Moira in the early hours of Saturday morning, Detective Constable Martin said the digger used in the robbery is believed to have been taken from a location close to the property and was set alight following the incident.

He said that the roof of the garage was also set alight.

Local DUP man Allan Ewart said: “I am appalled by the actions of a gang. Not only were they not content at taking the ATM but they set the digger cab alight which spread to the filling station and could have had disastrous consequences if the petrol had caught fire.

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“Not only is this an attack on a local business but also on the local community.

“Over the past number of years bank branches have closed in nearby Moira and this ATM was used by the locals.

“Attacks like this could mean that businesses will no longer want ATMs on their premises.

“If anyone has any information they should pass it to the police so that these criminals can face the full rigour of the law.”