Condolences from politicians as acts of terror condemned

Members of the public gather at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels to leave messages and tributes following the terrorist bomb attacksMembers of the public gather at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels to leave messages and tributes following the terrorist bomb attacks
Members of the public gather at the Place de la Bourse in Brussels to leave messages and tributes following the terrorist bomb attacks
First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness have pledged solidarity with Brussels following the attacks at its international airport and at a metro station.

More than 30 people were killed and dozens more injured in the bombings which were admitted by Islamic State yesterday.

The ministers said: “We stand united with the people of the European Union’s capital as we try to comprehend the needless taking of lives. These attacks do not achieve anything but destruction and devastation of life and families.

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“We stand with our European family when we say those responsible will not be allowed to erode freedom. Our sympathy is with the people of Brussels and Belgium and we support them fully as they move forward from this dark moment.”

The Office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels has been able to safely account for all its staff.

DUP MEP Diane Dodds condemned the terror attacks from her office in the European Parliament in Brussels.

“These bombings act as a stark reminder of the carnage that mindless and unjustified acts of terrorism can bring to us all. My thoughts are with those caught up and directly impacted by these actions.

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“Just like in times past in our own community, these brutal actions have targeted innocent people.”

UUP MEP Jim Nicholson expressed his condolences.

“In the European Parliament this morning we held a minute’s silence to pay our respects to those killed and injured in the attacks at the airport,” he said.

“Shortly after, news broke that underground Metro stations near the EU institutions had also been attacked. No political or religious cause can justify such terror.”