Convicted killer seen at train station

Child killer John Clifford was spotted at Lanyon Place train stationChild killer John Clifford was spotted at Lanyon Place train station
Child killer John Clifford was spotted at Lanyon Place train station
A convicted murderer who absconded from Maghaberry prison is believed to have boarded a train in Belfast on Sunday, police said.

John Clifford, 56, was wearing a beanie-style hat, glasses and a dark-coloured heavy coat when he was spotted in Central Station (Lanyon Place) around 1pm.

Clifford, who is 5’7” tall, failed to return to the prison after being allowed out to attend an appointment.

A police spokesman said: “I would again appeal to anyone who may have seen him, or who may have information about his whereabouts, to contact us immediately on 101.”

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